Thursday, September 27, 2007
i think its a very immature way to handle the situation. negotiations should be made with the people, see what they want first. i think the root cause of the problem was the rise in fuel prices, and then deep inside the people were already regarding the junta with much resent. the only reason why it has been so peaceful till now is cause of the bloody fear which the government strikes in the hearts of the helpless citizens. so until now there wasnt any real reason for the citizens to rebel cause they could still live with it.
but i mean like now you fucking double the price of fuel and expect people who earn so little to live with it? seriously wtf.
sometimes i really wonder why the world is like that and why all these people have to suffer. and i really feel sorry for them and i wish them all the best in their quest for democracy and i hope that one day they will be able to see democracy in their nation for themselves.
i hope the UN helps, and i hope the violence stops :(
pray for them
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wow a 201st post! I never thought this blog would come so far... I was browsing through the archives and I realized that I could actually watch myself grow and mature through all the posts over the last few years! Thats not to say I'm very mature now la but still.... lol. I actually don't want grow up :(
So lets talk about how all the guys in combat vocations have disappeared.. Everytime I drive past the ferry terminal on my way home from Helldon, I'll look at the distant shores of the Magical Island of Dreams and remember su who is 5km away pumping recruits who are 1 year older than us. But he'll be confined till the end of the month with his little recruits. And then theres Sheng, who disappeared on a 2 month trip to cheong sua in his tank in taiwan. I remember him too, every single time I log onto BNet to realize that our clan has been disbanded because he didn't renew the chieftain's login before he left. And theres GY, who's in combat but is somehow staying out to plague BNet with his proness. I remember GY everytime i get on BNet too.
Yeah ok sorry I just decided to blog about something random. And I really hope I get that transfer. Good night.