Thursday, September 27, 2007

i've been following the Myanmar protests quite closely and i'm very saddened by the recent developments... the use of violence as a means to disperse the crowds is really un-called for. its a bloody peaceful protest, why the hell must they use tear gas and guns and batons wtf.

i think its a very immature way to handle the situation. negotiations should be made with the people, see what they want first. i think the root cause of the problem was the rise in fuel prices, and then deep inside the people were already regarding the junta with much resent. the only reason why it has been so peaceful till now is cause of the bloody fear which the government strikes in the hearts of the helpless citizens. so until now there wasnt any real reason for the citizens to rebel cause they could still live with it.

but i mean like now you fucking double the price of fuel and expect people who earn so little to live with it? seriously wtf.

sometimes i really wonder why the world is like that and why all these people have to suffer. and i really feel sorry for them and i wish them all the best in their quest for democracy and i hope that one day they will be able to see democracy in their nation for themselves.

i hope the UN helps, and i hope the violence stops :(

pray for them

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