Friday, April 08, 2005

yay weekend :)

finally the weekends here... went to pocket bowl to train just now. did like 2 games of drills, then bowled 3 games. 1 and 2 step drill really trains finishing position la, but it makes my left leg ache like shit cuz all my weight is on that leg. in my worst game i had like 3 open frames with a total score of 131. like most of my pinfalls come from spares, and i dont make full use of the ball after the spare. so i waste it. on my last game i had only 1 open frame but ended with only 149 because of that. sian. gotta learn to string my strikes and spares together to pwn...

saw tpjc training there. they all seem so noob, only 1 or 2 pros, like srjc. there are actually people there using house balls to bowl la, wtf. they actually take in noobs, and at this level its too late to take in noobs and train them for competetion.. they must be damn short of players.

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