Sunday, April 02, 2006

i really dont mean to be so cynical today

bye bye ds. cya on 10 april, have a good mission trip in phillipines. god will use you to bring a blessing to the people in ulu-land. i will pray for you and your mission trip buddies that god will keep you safe and have a good trip. may god change your lives and the lives you touch through this journey. maybe i should go on a mission trip in december too, it might be refreshing from singapore. like i might actually meet sincere people in these rural villages, unlikes those in singapore.

i think chicken rice war is a nice show. i like these kind of shows where the loser gets the babe. but we all know that never happens in real life. social rejects and the dregs of society, no one cares about them or their existence. pierre png acted really well in that show, like he was speaking in shakespere language for 3/4 of the show too, that is really hard. zhihuan is right sometimes, its so sad, that nice guys finish last.

things to do in coming week:
1. read the tempest before i watch it
2. be nice to zhihuan
3. try and start studying chemistry

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