Sunday, March 13, 2005

barker carvival and haunted house

lol. the haunted house was the funniest shit i ever did. since there werent actually shifts we were working from 9am-530pm except for a few short breaks. we were all quite serious and did some scary shit from 9am - noon but after that we couldnt be bothered. so we just sat behind the thrash bags and screamed nanoflame's name. lol. and when some fucked up rowdy barker guys come we insult them badly and push them into the next room. its damn funny. can u imagine paying 7 bucks to enter a haunted house to hear the ghost say "fuck u and ur 7 mothers 8 times in every hole". But its not like they werent pissing us off, we only did it to the fuckers who make holes in the fake walls and act like fags. then there were these 56 point people trying to act cool by punching big holes in the thrash bags. like fuck em. they can fucking work in my son's 3rd mistresses 15th dog's 8th servant's 2nd lap-dog's factory.

ok, but everything was fun la. like we had alot of fun insulting all those mother fuckers. and i remember dragging some sec1 kid 5 metres on the floor because he squirted water at me. lol. they act so cool but when u fuck them back they look like useless small fags scared that u'll punch them again. i hope the violence and profanities we used on them really affected them. i dont know what barker is becoming now, all the fags trying to act cool and shit like that. they can all shit in their pants while driving their C.O.M.F.O.R.T cabs in the future. i had a nice day, i know i spoilt theirs. but i dont care, because they suck. i wish i was back there in the dark railing insults at every family member they have. it is fun to do that after all.

oh and u know that funniest thing ever was that after that people actually told me that the haunted house was one of the best stalls they ever went to that day? so people actually enjoyed paying to be insulted in pitch darkness. lol

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