Monday, June 11, 2007

Shit I had 5 venti vanilla latte's in the last week I feel like I've negated all the exercise I did during and after my bmt! I better go for a long run tomorrow morning. But its all my fault I should never have started drinking lattes they're more addictive than mambo music...

My 2nd driving lesson was good... Only stalled once and I'm starting to get used to the stupid retarded and gay but important half clutch technique, and I hit 50kmph for the first time which was kinda scary but exciting!

But really I'm trying my best to stay positive cause the next 20 months really does seem quite bleak for me... I need to look for stuff to occupy my mind with after I'm done with driving cause if not I'll just be rotting away in my office.

OK I shall end my short post here cause I didn't even intend to blog... just got really bored. So tomorrow the BMT school 2 people pass out and we're all set to have a super fun wednesday night! I CANT WAIT

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