Tuesday, January 01, 2008

No! You're not at the wrong blog...

I've changed my template! I made the font size larger so that its easier to read now and the background isn't so black anymore so its not such a bleak affair reading this blog. But of course, that is not to say I intended my old background to be emo la, it was more like a lack of effort on my part to find a nice template.. Oh and not to mention that old background was quite bengish because the person who designed that template and put it on the blog template site was an Ah Lian. So I'm quite pleased that this site no longer looks like some Ah Beng Diary. But its all well now, except maybe this blog looks too bright now and it might take a little bit of getting used to.

Anyway, Happy New Year to everybody!
I hope 2008 pasts really quickly, then I can ORD and get on with my life.. And I achieved my New Year Resolution 20 hours after making it, how stupid. Now I have to think of a new goal to work towards for the rest of the year....

And now, its time to brace myself for yet another year of shit before I'm free again!

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